United Hero:  Toshiya Kuge

Toshiya Kuge

Toshiya Kuge Toshiya Kuge
20 years old
Hyogo Prefecture, Japan

Toshiya was a second-year student in the science and engineering school at Waseda University, in Suginami Ward, Tokyo. According to relatives, he left Japan on August 29 and had planned to return Wednesday, September 12, 2001.

The following message is excerpted from the guestbook for Toshiya Kuge at AmericanLegacy.com:

"We met Toshiya ten days before the crash, when we were on a rafting trip together in the Canadian Rockies. We had a lovely day talking with him about his life. He was a kind and gentle person. When we saw a Dateline special about Flight 93 we were horrified to recognize his picture among the victims. We have sent his family our condolences. But not many Americans are talking about the non-U.S. people who were killed. Toshiya's death was tragic and no less grievous than any others. We are honored to have met him." --Debbie and Kristen (Chicago, IL)

For the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's biography of Toshiya Kuge, click here.